Worship on wheels-Serving the Philippines
This mission started out of a family tragedy on November 24, 2009. It happened on the Indian Nation Turnpike in Oklahoma. It changed the course of the Beaver Family and so many others, that we have had the privilege of sharing the love of Christ with, along this road. Crazy Faith and the prayers of many of God's people have kept our wheels turning.
(Read about our tragedy turning to Christ's triumph on the "Troy Story" page)
Worship On Wheels (W.O.W) was originally started to take the same Vacation Bible School programs from our home church (UBC) in Houston, TX to the tribal villages of the Philippines. From a 2 month travelling VBS tour, each summer, we have expanded into filling many other needs on the islands. W.O.W. is hosting teams, Teaching teachers, Supplying food and supplies to tribal churches & private Christian schools, Facilitating feedings, Transporting people and just about anything that needs "totin'" to hard to reach places at no or low cost, operating a mission house and supporting 2 tribal H.S. graduates through college to become Christian Education Teachers .
Busy Beavers for His Kingdom!
Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3
(Read about our tragedy turning to Christ's triumph on the "Troy Story" page)
Worship On Wheels (W.O.W) was originally started to take the same Vacation Bible School programs from our home church (UBC) in Houston, TX to the tribal villages of the Philippines. From a 2 month travelling VBS tour, each summer, we have expanded into filling many other needs on the islands. W.O.W. is hosting teams, Teaching teachers, Supplying food and supplies to tribal churches & private Christian schools, Facilitating feedings, Transporting people and just about anything that needs "totin'" to hard to reach places at no or low cost, operating a mission house and supporting 2 tribal H.S. graduates through college to become Christian Education Teachers .
Busy Beavers for His Kingdom!
Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3
2024 Stellar VBS was AMAZING!!!!!
Videos from our Stellar VBS tour in the Philippines this year!

Our family is enterning 12 years of serving in the Philippines. The journey has been incredible and we have been blessed by every experience. Even the tough ones. We have depended on our church and our supporters for every step of our adventures on the many islands. Our hearts have been filled and broken time and time again, but God is Good All the Time.
Our family has flown to or through at least 10 different countries. Our children have been on 50+ flights each and shared the cultures of over 35 different countries with classmates at Faith Academy in Manila. God has been travelling with us through it all and kept us safe. The Beaver's have been on some 'sketchy' modes of transportation. Boats, tricycles, motorcycles, busses, Caribao carts and jeepneys have, often, been our only choices of transportation. We don't do questionable air travel.
Our family pays our own way, from pension funds, but a great thanks is owed to all our supporters who have been with W.O.W through it all. 100% of your donations go directly to outreach and Growing God's Kingdom. We cannot be the hands and feet without these funds to provide the materials and trips that Grow God's Kingdom.
On December 2, 2022 our home was burglarized while we were home. The thief took several computers and we want you to be aware of possible false notifications to our supporters. Our family will not reach out to you individually in an emergency situation. Let us know if you ever get a questionable message from us. Love y'all.
Our family has flown to or through at least 10 different countries. Our children have been on 50+ flights each and shared the cultures of over 35 different countries with classmates at Faith Academy in Manila. God has been travelling with us through it all and kept us safe. The Beaver's have been on some 'sketchy' modes of transportation. Boats, tricycles, motorcycles, busses, Caribao carts and jeepneys have, often, been our only choices of transportation. We don't do questionable air travel.
Our family pays our own way, from pension funds, but a great thanks is owed to all our supporters who have been with W.O.W through it all. 100% of your donations go directly to outreach and Growing God's Kingdom. We cannot be the hands and feet without these funds to provide the materials and trips that Grow God's Kingdom.
On December 2, 2022 our home was burglarized while we were home. The thief took several computers and we want you to be aware of possible false notifications to our supporters. Our family will not reach out to you individually in an emergency situation. Let us know if you ever get a questionable message from us. Love y'all.
Below are videos & Pictures from past trips, missions and VBS Tours
w.o.w. october 2022 trip to deliver 32 computers to teachers at mission schools the teachers were trained by the August university baptist church team
Her name is Rio and she....
is from the Bugkalot tribe in Nueva Viscaya Philippines. W.O.W. chose to sponsor Rio in college at Evangelical Theological College of the Philippines. She is in her Senior year of getting her Bachelors Degree in Christian Education (total cost of about $3,500 USD total for all 4 years). She will continue to live with us and work with W.O.W. while in school. We have known Rio since being one of our VBS children. Arfie is from the Aeta tribe and will start her 2nd year with us. |
University Baptist Church sent a team to the Philippines July 27-August 5th. This team spent a week in Malay, Aklan teaching about 30 teachers and 2 principals modern methods of instruction. W.O.W. will be blessing each teaching position with a new laptop computer and training that will allow the teachers to start using Google Classrooms and enter the newest era in teaching technology and record keeping. W.O.W. raised $10,000 for the teachers laptops and upgrading the internet service.
A UBC Mission Team from the U.S. was busy answering our most recent prayers. WOW has been wanting to leave the tribal churches with some type of "after care" programs when the VBS Team leaves. The team spent several months preparing a Sunday School Training program. Each church received a tool kit with stories, lesson plans, props and DVD/CD's to provide 6 months of interactive, contemporary Sunday School lessons.
Watch our movie of Maker Fun Factory Philippines!!!
and then, enjoy some pictures...
Video of UBC Vision Team in the Philippines:
We received UBC's large boxes of Vacation Bible School materials at our home in Antipolo City, Philippines. Those boxes had everything we needed for our summer VBS programs in the Philippines. We always have 100 + churches that want us to visit, but our staff and resources are so very limited. We chose 8 churches in 8 weeks this past summer. The children were so filled with joy, when we transformed there small neighborhood churches & common areas into a MAKER FUN FACTORY themed wonderland. The WOW team reached out to over 1,000 attendees this year with the message that God made and loves each one of us and has a WONDERFULLY BRILLIANT plan for us all. Glory to God!
We received UBC's large boxes of Vacation Bible School materials at our home in Antipolo City, Philippines. Those boxes had everything we needed for our summer VBS programs in the Philippines. We always have 100 + churches that want us to visit, but our staff and resources are so very limited. We chose 8 churches in 8 weeks this past summer. The children were so filled with joy, when we transformed there small neighborhood churches & common areas into a MAKER FUN FACTORY themed wonderland. The WOW team reached out to over 1,000 attendees this year with the message that God made and loves each one of us and has a WONDERFULLY BRILLIANT plan for us all. Glory to God!